Tutoriales de Informática y Dispositivos Móviles
Tutoriales de Informática y Dispositivos Móviles
JavaScript exercises

JavaScript exercises Part 2

JavaScript exercises Part 2


The program asks for words while the accept button is not pressed

// Create a new variable to save the result
var result = ""
// Do while loop to ask the words
do {
    // Ask for the next word
    var word = prompt("Write a word");
    // If the word is empty
    if (resultado == "") {
        // concatenate the words without hyphens
        resultado = resultado + cadena;
    // If not
    else {
        // concatenate the words with hyphens
        result = result + "-" + word;
// While Accept button is pressed
} while (confirm("Continue?"));
// It cancel button is pressed show the result

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