Tutoriales de Informática y Dispositivos Móviles
Tutoriales de Informática y Dispositivos Móviles
Update page javascript

Update page with JavaScript

Update page with JavaScript

Today we’ll learn how to update our page using the JavaScript function Location.reload

Update page with location.reload

When you run the function the page reloads.

Let´s see an example


Update page with a link

It updates the page when the link is clicked.

Let´s see an example

// Html link code
<a href="javascript:location.reload()">Update page</a>
// The page will reload when the link is clicked

Update page with a button

When the button is clicked the page reloads

Let´s see an example

// Button code
<input type="button" value="Update" onclick="location.reload()"/>

We can give it styles

Let´s see an example

// styled button code
<input type="button" value="Update" onclick="location.reload()"

Update with an interval

Using the setInterval function, the page reloads each 4 seconds, 4000 miliseconds as it´s configured

Let´s see an example

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Update function
    function update(){
    // Update each 4 seconds function

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